Home Visits-Antenatal & postnatal Packages

What to expect from your midwife home-visit appointments:
Antenatal Checkups: Crown Package.
Clinical observations of B/P, weight, urine checks. Relevant blood tests or vaginal swabs (can be arranged privately) for screening, feeling for baby’s position in the womb, listening to fetal heart tones, occasional (rarely) breast, pelvic or vaginal exams.
Investigations and advice given on pregnancy adjusted diet, nutrition, exercise, supplements, natural ways to eliminate pregnancy ailments, improving on sleep, sex in pregnancy, preterm birth, partner involvement, breastfeeding, natural induction and much more…
Crown Package-(Full antenatal care )-Includes antenatal care from the time of booking , with appointments Initially every four weeks until 28 weeks gestation, fortnightly until 36 weeks, then weekly until delivery. Including the slightly longer 'Birth Talk/prep' visit at 36 weeks, and any other additional visits, phone, email or text support required. £1900
Postnatal Checkups: Solar, Heart or Crown Package​
Assessment of baby, normal progress and development/ adaptation to life outside of the womb, clinical investigations of temperature, heart rate, respirations, weight, normal feeding and elimination habits, cord/umbilical stump healing etc.
​Solar Package- Postnatal care of 6 appointments £950 (to commence within first week of birth)
Heart Package-Postnatal care over 4 week period £1650
Crown Package-Postnatal care over 6 week period £2000
If you aren't sure about which package best suits you, or you'd prefer to arrange your care differently, please reach out so we can find a method that best suits your needs.
Fees to be paid in full at or prior to appointments commence.

Breastfeeding Specialist Services
Getting help with breastfeeding problems as early as possible after delivery can help prevent many issues. Parents are more likely to stop breastfeeding early if they experience problems with minimal support.
The service I provide as a breastfeeding specialist midwife, gives you assistance and support for a range of breastfeeding problems including but not limited to:
Sore nipples/Painful latching
Engorgement and/or mastitis
Low milk supply
Breastmilk oversupply
Breastfeeding multiples (twins etc.)
Tongue tie diagnosis and referral​​​​​​
Visits usually last approximately 90 mins, or longer if needed and can be individually requested or part of the postnatal care- Solar, Heart or Crown Package.
Initial Breastfeeding home-visits fees-£200
Follow up appointments-£180
Tongue tie referral for frenulotomy-£20
Fees to be paid in full at or before appointment commence:

Childbirth Preparation Classes
Childbirth preparation classes, are generally offered from 30-35 weeks gestation. As your midwife and childbirth educator, my aim is to empower you with the knowledge you need to make good choices to have a better birth. These classes are often chosen by a variety of couples , those having conventional NHS care , and also those receiving Independent midwife care.
Format and fees for Childbirth Preparation Classes:
Sessions run as a course of three for £180
Each one is 2 hours in length, with topics covering labour, birth & coping strategies, alternative modes of delivery, after birth care and feeding, Early postnatal days and caring for your new baby.
Each session is £60
In the final class the parents test their knowledge in a quiz !!
Sessions are relaxed and informal but structured around the topics listed in a workbook which you will be given to keep.
An intense 3 hour single session is also available, where couples choose from the list of topics you would like to cover, but this is most recommended for clients who have had a baby before and need a quick refresher. Cost £120
Sessions are individually taught/one-on-one in the comfort of your own home, or on-line if preferred. Group sessions can be arranged once there are sufficient numbers of participants.
Fees to be paid in full at, or before appointment or class commences.
Weekend & Bank Holiday home-visits are sometimes available at an extra cost of £100.